Can Maltese Be Left Alone?

Can Maltese Be Left Alone?

A lot goes on in your Maltese mind when left alone. They may whine, move about the house, and rest in between wanderings, amongst other activities.

But can Maltese be left alone?

It is alright to leave your Maltese home alone. But do not leave them lonely for extended periods because they are prone to separation anxiety. This breed is super clingy and hates getting abandoned for hours.

Can Maltese Be Left Alone?

Letting your Maltese stay alone mostly boils down to the dog’s needs. Nonetheless, a Maltese pup will require you to be more present than an adult one.

When it comes to a puppy, accidents are more common, considering their small bladder capacity. If you stay with roommates, leaving your Maltese to do their business all over leads to arguments.

Personality also contributes to the duration you can leave your Maltese lonely. Some dogs have more dependency than others.

So, how long can you leave your Maltese alone? Should you consider getting one when you are away for ten hours?

Ten hours is pushing it, especially when your Maltese usually goes for potty breaks outside. An adult Maltese can handle about six to seven hours without human companionship. Pups are more vulnerable and will require your presence every two hours or so.

How Do You Leave Your Maltese Alone?

Leaving your dog without them getting overly sad or throwing a tantrum takes patience. Adopting anxiety-combating measures is imperative in ensuring your, your pet’s, and your neighbors’ peace.

To leave your Maltese alone and ensure their comfort and safety, you can try the following measures:


Desensitization refers to letting your Maltese watch you leave up to the point where they can let you do so without showing a drastic change in their mannerisms.

You can repeat a particular activity before leaving them, like getting your car keys. Ensure your Maltese is watching while you perform this activity.

You can also seek a canine professional to help you with the desensitization remedy.

Have Gentle Arrivals and Exits

Is your Maltese always scratching at your feet, jumping around, or barking when you plan to leave? Do you pat them or try to soothe them using other means?

Consider ignoring them next time you go out. Caressing them encourages them to continue making a big deal when you leave.

Given the period of loneliness, your Maltese will typically want to vigorously greet you when you come back. If they are jumping around, ignore them. Stay for five minutes and let them calm down before embracing them.

Feed Them Before Leaving

Once your Maltese eats adequately before you leave, they will likely feel settled and sated. Determine the best time to feed your Maltese just before leaving.

Another trick is hiding snacks around the house. Besides ensuring they get satisfied, it also gives them exercise opportunities and a means to stay busy.

Providing your Maltese with a puzzle treat can also make them relate your departure with these treats. As they rotate in your house and locate treats, they won’t feel too lonely.

Exercise Before Departures

Exercise may help prevent your Maltese from getting bored or stressed. Take a few minutes to walk your Maltese or play games like fetch. These activities aid in relaxing your Maltese, which is crucial in eliciting a good response upon your departure.

Get Them a Playpen

Letting your Maltese roam inside your big house may also heighten separation anxiety. Hence, you can consider getting them a playpen.

While crates are an alternative, they tend to be constricting. Playpens are better as they aren’t as physically or mentally limiting as crates.

Providing your Maltese with a pen gives them the feeling that they have a den. With canines associating dens with safety, having a playpen may make your Maltese feel secure and, therefore, calm.

Leave Entertainment

Let the TV continue playing when you are outdoors. The pictures and noises can help calm your four-legged friend. Consider switching to nature documentaries if your dog enjoys the company of other animals. A soothing radio station is handy if you lack a TV.

Leave them with toys. Get some for companionship, others for entertainment, and some treat-dispensing toys.

Are Maltese Clingy?

Maltese are an adorable breed. They love to play around and bond with almost anyone. Maltese are gentle, caring, respectful, and witty.

Maltese will not want to leave your side when they develop a strong liking for you. They love to spend as much time with you as they can. When left alone, your Maltese is likely to whine at some point, more so if you have left them lonely for ages.

When alone, they tend to bark and cry at the slightest noise. At this point, they may be probably hoping that you are back home, so they can enjoy your company.

Like other dogs, some will want to stay with you every time, opting to snuggle in your bed when you go to sleep. So, whenever you can spare time to stay with your Maltese, savor every moment.

Given their clingy nature, leaving them alone for hours is likely to result in various issues, including messy homes and separation anxiety.

Are Maltese Prone to Separation Anxiety?

The feeling of isolation leads to distress, which is what separation anxiety entails. And this can happen to any dog. When a dog is undergoing separation anxiety, it may display it in various ways. Some will sulk, others panic, while others show both characteristics.

Does your Maltese pace close to your door just before you leave? Do they pounce on you and act too clingy?

Some Maltese will show signs of turmoil, while others act fidgety. Below are other symptoms that can help you identify whether your Maltese is battling separation anxiety:

  • Excessive crying and barking- a distressed Maltese can howl, thereby upsetting themselves and making your neighbors uncomfortable too.
  • Destructive chewing- this can include things like tearing your pillows and cushions.
  • Biting themselves (mostly on their body but occasionally gnawing their paws)
  • Carelessly going potty in your house– Some illnesses like incontinence can result in your Maltese pissing uncontrollably in your home. Therefore, you should establish that your adequately trained Maltese is not ailing to make careless pissing a potential pointer of separation anxiety.
  • Escape attempt- Your Maltese may paw or scratch at the door if the loneliness is driving them nuts. Doing this can result in your pet injuring themselves, besides property vandalism. Moreover, it is nerve-wracking if your Maltese’s escape attempts are successful and they get hurt or lost.
  • Eating their excrement (Coprophagia)

That said, separation anxiety is not solely a result of abandoning your Maltese at home for hours.

So, how exactly does separation anxiety come about?

What Causes Your Maltese to Experience Separation Anxiety?

Let’s suppose you stay in an apartment without video games, movies, books, and other means of entertainment. The only way to entertain yourself is a chessboard. You can’t leave the house alone, make yourself something to eat, or even get water. Maybe, you even lack a place to pee.

Regardless, you live with a very affectionate person. And while you have a language barrier, you have an excellent time with them playing entertaining and thought-provoking games. They teach you new skills, cuddle with you, cook for you, and provide you with water.

But sometimes, the person leaves you alone for way too long with only your chessboard. Maybe you get to only move in one room. You don’t know if you did something to offend them. Will they return?

When you start looking at things from the perspective of your Maltese, it is straightforward to understand how likely anxiety can kick in.

Besides abandonment, separation anxiety can result from moving houses. Getting a baby and swooning over them while forgetting about your canine can also result in separation anxiety.

Other potential trigger factors are a shift in your working schedule or someone the Maltese closely bonded with moving out.

After establishing that your Maltese dreads separation, the next step is curbing it. So, how can you help your Maltese with separation anxiety? You can deter separation anxiety by taking suitable measures when leaving them alone.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do Maltese Follow Me Everywhere?

Maltese are clingy pets. They enjoy playing, cuddling, and receiving your attention. If your Maltese wants to follow you everywhere, they trust you and adore your presence. They are pack animals, and your family is their pack. So, naturally, they want to hang out with you all the time.

How Long Can Maltese Hold Their Bladder?

One of the worries when leaving your Maltese alone is coming back to a messy home. Typically, a Maltese will hold pee for two to three hours. Invest in pee pads if you leave your Maltese alone for over two hours.


Maltese dogs are amongst the top canines with little tolerance for being left alone. To prevent your pet from experiencing separation anxiety, train them to stay alone and provide them with the necessities to ease the loneliness.

With patience, your Maltese will learn to be comfortable when you are away.

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