Least Smelly Dogs

10 Least Smelly Dogs for a Clean and Healthy Home!

Imagine a world where ‘dog smell' is a thing of the past! You're in the right place if you've ever dreamed of having a canine companion without the accompanying smell. These pups bring joy without odor.

Join us as we explore the delightful realm of the least smelly dogs. 

Some dogs smell less than others. Short-haired dogs like Basenjis, Bichon Frises, and Poodles usually smell less. They don't shed much, which helps. Giving them baths regularly and keeping them clean also helps them smell better. 

In this article, we'll discuss dogs that don't smell much and the benefits and disadvantages of owning one.

So, let's start exploring which furry friends can make your home smell nice and clean.

Least Smelly Dogs

Looking for a furry friend that won't leave your home smelling like a kennel? Here are ten breeds known for their minimal odor:

  • Basenji
  • Maltese
  • Chihuahua
  • Dachshund
  • Doberman Pinscher
  • Havanese
  • Lakeland Terrier
  • Jack Russel Terrier
  • Greyhound
  • Bichon Frise

Keep reading as we explore each dog breed and discover which one might be the perfect fit for your home!


The Basenji is a special kind of dog. Originally from Central Africa, it has some unique features. One thing is, it never barks like other dogs. 

Instead, it makes a yodel-like sound, which is quite different from most dogs you might know.

Another interesting thing about Basenjis is their coat. It's short and fine, so they don't need much grooming. 

That's good news for people who want to spend less time brushing their dogs. Because they have short hair, they tend to smell less than other breeds.


The Maltese is a small dog breed from Malta, known for its long, white fur and friendly personality. Despite being tiny, Maltese dogs have big personalities and love to play. 

Their long fur needs regular grooming, but they don't shed much, so they don't make your home smell. 

Maltese dogs are good for apartments because they don't need much space to run around. They're also friendly, cuddly companions that bring joy without the smell.


Chihuahuas are tiny dogs from Mexico with big personalities. Despite their small size, they're brave and love attention. 

They have short fur, so they don't need much grooming and usually don't smell bad.

Since they're so small, Chihuahuas can happily live in apartments. They like to play and cuddle with their owners.


Dachshunds, often called wiener dogs, are small dogs with long bodies and short legs. Because they have short coats, they don't usually smell strongly. 

These dogs were originally bred in Germany to hunt badgers, so they're brave and determined. 

Regular grooming helps keep them clean and smelling nice.

Doberman Pinscher

The Doberman Pinscher is a big, strong dog known for being loyal and smart. It was first bred in Germany to protect things. 

Now, they are liked as family pets and as helpers for police and soldiers. Its short fur and muscular body make it sleek and stylish.

Despite their size, Dobermans are often low-odor dogs. Their smooth coat requires minimal grooming, which helps keep any potential smell at bay.


The Havanese is a small dog from Cuba. They're friendly and loving pets. Their long, silky fur needs regular brushing but doesn't usually smell bad. 

In addition, they're good for families and can live in different types of homes, like apartments. 

Plus, Havanese dogs like being with people and make great companions without bringing a lot of odor.

Lakeland Terrier

Lakeland Terriers are small dogs that come from England. They have rough coats and usually don't smell too strong. 

They were bred to hunt animals like foxes, so they were smart and full of energy. 

Lakelands like to play a lot and enjoy being outside. They might need a bit of grooming to keep their fur tidy, but they're usually clean and don't smell bad. 

In addition, they're friendly dogs that make great pals for people who like active pets.

Jack Russel Terrier

Jack Russell Terriers are small, energetic dogs with short coats, so they don't usually smell strongly. 

They were first bred in England for hunting foxes, so they're known for being clever and active. 

Because of their hunting background, they have a lot of energy and love to play. 

Regular baths and grooming can help keep them smelling fresh. 

Despite their small size, they have big personalities and make lively companions.


Greyhounds are famous for being fast and graceful. They have short fur and don't shed much, so they usually don't have a strong smell like other dogs. 

If you bath them once in a while and brush their fur, they'll stay even cleaner. 

Greyhounds are friendly pets, making them an excellent choice for families and people who want a loving companion.

Bichon Frise

Bichon Frises are fluffy, small dogs with curly coats that don't usually smell strongly. They are from France and were originally bred to be companion dogs. 

First, these pups are known for their playful and friendly personalities. They love spending time with their families and are often good with kids. 

Regular grooming helps them stay fresh. Bichon Frises are cuddly pets that bring joy to their owners' lives.

Why Do Dogs Smell?

Dogs can develop odors due to various bodily and activity factors. One major factor is the natural oils produced by their skin. These oils can create a distinct smell, especially when they mix with dirt and sweat.

Dogs that spend a lot of time outdoors or engage in activities like digging and exploring may accumulate more dirt and thus develop a stronger odor.

Moreover, dogs have a keen sense of smell and often investigate their surroundings by rolling in interesting things, which can sometimes be unpleasant or pungent. 

These scents can cling to their fur, contributing to their overall odor. Regular grooming, including baths and brushing, can help remove these odors and keep the dog's coat clean and fresh.

Additionally, diet plays a role in a dog's smell. Certain foods can lead to stronger-smelling breath or body odor. 

Similarly, health issues such as dental problems or skin infections can also contribute to unpleasant smells in dogs.

Furthermore, dogs have scent glands in specific areas of their bodies, which they use for communication with other dogs. While these glands are natural and serve a purpose in canine social interactions, they can also add to the dog's overall scent profile.

In conclusion, combining natural oils, environmental encounters, diet, and scent glands explains why dogs might develop a smell.

 Regular grooming, proper diet, and addressing underlying health issues can help mitigate odors and keep dogs smelling fresh.

How to Minimize Dog Odors in Your Home?

Dog odors can be a challenge to manage, but with a few simple steps, you can keep your home smelling fresh and clean. Here's how to minimize dog odors:

  • Give your dog regular baths with dog-friendly shampoo.
  • Brush your dog's fur regularly to remove loose hair and reduce odors.
  • Wash your dog's bedding and toys frequently to eliminate lingering smells.
  • Vacuum and mop your floors regularly to remove pet hair and dander.
  • Use air purifiers or open windows to improve air quality and reduce smells.
  • Be mindful of your dog's diet to minimize strong odors.
  • Provide plenty of fresh water to hydrate your dog and reduce bad breath.
  • Consider using products that neutralize pet odors, such as enzyme-based cleaners and odor-absorbing sprays.

These simple steps can create a more pleasant environment for you and your furry friend.


Which Breed of Dog Requires the Highest Maintenance?

Some dog breeds need more care than others. The Afghan Hound is one of the most high-maintenance breeds. 

Its long, flowing fur needs daily brushing to prevent tangles and knots, and baths and conditioning help keep it clean and healthy. 

Because it likes to play outside, it can get dirty quickly and needs frequent grooming. Its sensitive skin requires gentle care to avoid problems. 

Sometimes, it might need a professional groomer to keep its fur in good condition.

Why Do Some Dogs Smell More Than Others?

Some dogs smell more than others for a few reasons:

  • Dogs have different types of fur and skin. Breeds with oily skin or thick coats might have a more pungent smell.
  • Some dogs love rolling in smelly things, which can make them stinkier. The diet also plays a part; certain foods can cause more potent odors in a dog's breath or body.
  • How much a dog plays outside, and its overall health can affect its smell too.

So, factors like fur type, activities, diet, and health contribute to why some dogs smell more than others.

If you’re looking for a less smelly dog, consider adopting one of the hypoallergenic dog breeds for a cleaner and less allergic home.


To sum up, while all dogs have their own smell, some kinds are less stinky than others. It could be because of their fur type, how much they shed, or how clean they naturally are. 

So, if you'd rather not play “guess the smell” every time you walk through the door, why not invite one of these least-smelly dogs into your home? 

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