Do Shiba Inus Smell Bad?

Do Shiba Inus Smell Bad?

You’ve probably tried using the best Shiba Inus bathing soap to eliminate the odor in his body, but you still hit a rock? It feels like there is a bundle of dirty socks at the corner of your house. You worry most when he begins to rub against your furniture and sofas.  Regardless of what you do, there’s not much change noticed.

You’re probably wondering, do Shiba Inus smell bad?

Shiba inus don’t smell bad. They’re typically clean dogs with the ability to clean themselves. However, some Shiba Inus stink due to hormones, anal glands, or skin problems. Though healthy Shiba Inus have no odors, bathing them once in a while is vital. Even so, brush and dry his fur well to prevent chances of an odor after the bathing.

Do Shiba Inus Smell Bad?

Unless your buddy has a health problem or has spent the day in a dirty environment, Shiba Inus don’t smell bad. Better put, Shiba Inus don’t smell like dogs. Their ability to clean themselves regardless of where they’ve spent the day is the reason they are incredibly clean dogs. Hence, the reason why most people liken them to cats and call them cat-like dogs.

This is why pet lovers who love indoor pets prefer Shiba Inus to other breeds.


Why Does My Shiba Inus Stink?

If your buddy didn’t have a stinking problem until a few days ago, your Shiba Inus could be stinking because of the skin or anal gland problems, ear infections, or the wrong diet.  Let’s take a closer look.


Shiba Inus’ skin could have an allergic reaction or bacterial infection. These cause a bad odor in your Shiba Inus. Note though the bacteria cause a rotten egg-like smell, it plays a vital role in your Shiba Inus’ skin.  

The smell is caused by the hydrogen sulfide found on the Shiba’s skin. This chemical destroys germs found on Shiba’s skin. Consequently, your Shiba will be free from bugs and ticks that invade his skin when he is wet or moist. That’s not to say he should stay wet or moist; dry him well every time he is wet.

However, your Shiba could be having an odor because of a skin infection. It’s easy to tell your Shiba has a skin infection when you see him scratching or rubbing himself against the wall or furniture. Also, you will often notice that some sections of his fur are falling off, leaving a big section without fur.  The bad smell confirms that he has a skin infection that needs treatment.

In severe cases, your Shiba’s skin will start looking greasy due to the presence of yeast.  

It’s vital to have his blood checked as he could be having an adrenal gland problem. Alternatively, he could be having a low level of thyroid.

Ear Infection

Shiba Inus ear infection is caused by dead skin cells or the building up of wax in the ears. Thankfully, these problems often heal without the necessity of medical intervention. It’s, however, better to seek ways of preventing an ear infection because dogs are so prone to it.

Whenever your Shiba has a hormonal imbalance or allergic reaction, he smells bad due to an increase in bacteria and yeast.

Dental Problem

At least 80 percent of all dogs aged two years and above have a dental problem. Shiba Inus are no exemption. Tartar and plaque are some of the dental problems your Shiba Inus may be exposed to.

Hence, make your Shiba Inus have a bad smell. Although there are other reasons, this is likely to be caused by poor oral hygiene. You can tell your Shiba has a dental problem if he has bad breath. Failure to seek medical attention could make the odor to last for a long time.

Anal Gland’s Problem

Shiba Inus anal gland may sometimes get full. Consequently, he will have a bad odor. Your Shiba will also look uneasy and sometimes try to leak his anal.

Do Shiba Inus Smell Bad

Anal gland infections often happen when you give your Shiba a poor diet. A good diet results in normal stool, while a poor diet is likely to make him have diarrhea or loose stool.

Consequently, fluid builds up on the anal gland and causes a bad odor. It’s also very painful for him, so it’s good to have it treated as soon as possible.

Bad Diet

A poor diet can cause gas in your Shiba Inus. Different Shibas may react negatively to different types of foods.  For example, some may have a problem with raw meat, while others become allergic to a particular grain. Still, others may be intolerant to fish or other foods.

Also, processed foods, as well as those high in carbohydrates, are also likely to cause skin inflammation. Consequently, some of the glands found on the Shiba’s skin experience increased oil secretion. In addition, these foods are likely to cause yeast infections in some Shiba Inus.

Subsequently, Shiba Inus smell bad.  

Effective Ways to Eliminate The Bad Smell From A Shiba Inus

Good Diet

Highly processed food makes Shiba Inus smell bad. When buying their food, ensure that it has the right nutrients. Also, don’t always depend on commercial food. It’s best to ensure that Shiba Inus meals have high proteins.

However, ensure that all the other nutrients are available. A well-balanced diet should also contain calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, chloride, potassium, and sodium.

Regular Grooming

Yes, Shiba Inus clean themselves pretty well, but you also need to groom them regularly. So, brush your Shiba Inus every two weeks. Depending on how much he is shedding during the shedding seasons, you can groom him twice or thrice a week. Sometimes, daily if he sheds too much.

See the Vet

However much you may keep your Shiba Inus clean, he may have a bad smell once in a while. It’s, therefore, necessary to see a vet once in a while. This is particularly vital as the vet is likely to detect in advance any possible health problems that could cause the bad smell.

Sometimes he may look healthy and comfortable, but there could be underlying health issues that may need treatment. Regular visits to the vet may save you lots of unpredicted future odor problems.

Brush His Teeth

Most Shibas dislike brushing sessions. But if you really want to stop bad odor from his mouth, brush him three times a week. You can give him treats before the brushing session or try to calm him down to make the session easy and fast.

Do Shiba Inus Smell Bad

To avoid hurting him, use the recommended Shiba Inus toothbrush. Also, dogs are likely to swallow toothpaste. So, ensure you use medically approved toothpaste.

Groom His Ears

Groom your Shiba Inus ears once each month. This is okay for a Shiba that spends most time indoors. If, however, your Shiba spends most of the time outdoors, you can clean his ears twice a month. Deep a clean, soft cloth in warm water and use it to clean the ears.

Like us, their ears are delicate. Therefore, be gentle when cleaning them. ONLY clean him when he is calm to avoid any chances of movement during the cleaning sessions.

Give Him a Deep Bathe

Regardless of the environment your Shiba lives in; he needs a deep bath at least twice a year. Bathing him after every six months eliminates the possibility of a bad odor in your Shiba Inus. Don’t overdo it since giving a Shiba Inus a deep bath often could result in dry skin.

Wash His Bedding

It’s your responsibility to ensure that the bedding is clean. How often you wash him also depends on where he lives and how often you groom him.  

Even so, don’t wait until the bedding has a bad smell or is dusty; clean them after one or two weeks.

The Parting Shot

Shiba Inus do not smell bad. They often clean themselves and are naturally clean dogs. Also, feeding your Shiba Inus with a well-balanced diet, grooming him often, paying regular visits to the vet, and washing his bedding often is a sure bet in eradicating the bad odor. Do also brush his teeth regularly depending on what he feeds on.

Needless to say, ungroomed Shiba Inus may have skin infections that are likely to cause a rotten egg-like smell.

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