Watermelons are amongst the healthiest fruits to add to your menu. Besides being juicy and sweet, these delightful fruits have a lot to offer if taken within recommended quantities.
But can huskies eat watermelon as we do? How much watermelon should they eat, and are the advantages we enjoy from watermelon the same as the ones they get?
Huskies can eat watermelon as it is an excellent hydrating snack that gives them nutrients vital for immune system boosting and body nourishment. Watermelon is not toxic to your husky but may sicken him if eaten with rinds and seeds. About three or four small watermelon cubes a day are okay.
Can Huskies Eat Watermelon?
Fruits like watermelon and strawberries are ideal if you want veggie treats enriched with water. Watermelons contain 92% water, making them a superb choice to give your husky during hot weather. They also contain a lot of fiber that may help ease digestion and prevent the growth of harmful belly bacteria.
Besides water and fiber, these fruits also contain lots of vitamins like B5, C, and A. They are also rich in copper and potassium. Although watermelons have some of the most negligible antioxidant amounts, they are a rich source of the antioxidant lycopene and citrulline (amino acid).
So how do these components benefit your husky?
Vitamin A
This vitamin is crucial in ensuring good eyesight in your husky. Being canines, huskies need to see excellently during the day and in the dark. A watermelon provides lots of vitamin A, ensuring your pet’s eyesight is sharp at all times.
The vitamin is also crucial in ensuring good health in your canine. Vitamin A takes part in maintaining excellent canine skin and coat as it helps them stay moisturized. It aids in proper puppy development and supports brain and muscle growth in unborn puppies.
Vitamin B5
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is a good remedy when your husky is anxious. This vitamin aids in producing antibodies and adrenal hormones that can help lower stress levels in your canine.
It also aids in converting proteins, carbs, and fat into energy vital for your husky’s body activities. Pantothenic acid also helps your canine’s intestines to function correctly.
Copper is an integral element in melanin production that, in turn, determines the color of your husky’s hair. The nutrient is vital for collagen, bone, and connective tissue formation, making it essential in proper puppy development. Additionally, copper aids your dog’s body in absorbing other minerals like calcium and iron.
Since it is an antioxidant, this element helps your husky’s body fight free radicals that may make them age faster. Copper participates in the oxidation of monoamine, lysyl, and cytochrome C hence helps in enzymatic activity.
Like Vitamin B6, this element participates in red blood cell development, which in turn helps supply oxygen to various body organs.

Potassium is essential for muscle growth. It also aids the relaxation and contraction of muscles, thereby enabling motor activity.
The mineral participates in the digestion of carbohydrates and fats, plus the absorption of nutrients. Potassium nourishes the neural pathways from your husky’s brain, making them essential in cognitive functioning.
Potassium is essential in maintaining your husky’s pH at the optimal level. This way, it ensures that there is adequate calcium to enhance bone development.
Vitamin B1
Thiamine or Vitamin B1 is essential for organs with high energy demands, such as the brain, as it helps in carbohydrate metabolism. Thiamine also aids in promoting excellent eye health.
A deficiency in vitamin B1 can result in appetite loss, eyes with low light responsiveness, and neuromuscular weaknesses. In extreme cases, your husky may experience heart issues.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 takes part in synthesizing proteins that are crucial in the proper growth of husky puppies. The vitamin also facilitates hormonal release to enable internal physiological activities to carry on and also impact your pet’s mood.
It aids in the absorption of fats and ensures a proper sodium-potassium balance in your pet’s body. An appropriate balance of these salt aids in regulating water levels in your husky’s body and keeping its muscles toned.
Moreover, the vitamin aids in red blood cell production, DNA synthesis, and vitamin B6 absorption.
Vitamin C
Did you know dogs synthesize Vitamin C in their livers? For that reason, your husky will typically not require the addition of this nutrient. Nonetheless, sickness, exhaustion, or stress may deplete your husky’s reserves. Hence, adding it to your dog’s diet is essential during such dire times.
Vitamin C helps counter free radicals within your husky to keep them in good health. Moreover, it acts as an anti-aging element and helps your dog stay in good shape for extended periods.
Is Watermelon Toxic to Huskies?
If taken in moderation, watermelon is safe for your pooch. However, overfeeding your husky may result in issues like indigestion, a bloated stomach, and diarrhea. Watermelon contains a sugar component, sorbitol, that encourages loose stool.
Did you know that watermelon has a higher sugar content than strawberries? In 100 grams of watermelon, sugar makes up 6.2%.
Moreover, the fruit has a high glycemic index of 72 to 80, which means it can raise sugar levels quite quickly. Nevertheless, watermelon has a low supply of carbs; hence not that much of a concern.
Additionally, other components of watermelon, like rinds and seeds, may result in issues, as discussed below.
Can Huskies Eat Watermelon Rind?
While the watermelon rind may not have harmful effects on your husky, it may not be so tasty. Moreover, watermelon rinds are hard and need time to chew properly. Most dogs will likely swallow them without properly chewing them, which may end up resulting in intestinal blockage.
So, next time, you should dice up the watermelon and use the rind yourself, as they are superb supplements for your health.
But what should you do if your dog ate a watermelon rind? You can monitor your dog to see how they behave when they need to defecate. If you notice they are struggling, contact your vet for guidance.
The vet may induce vomiting or surgically remove the rinds to unblock your dog’s intestines.
Can Huskies Eat Watermelon Seeds?
Like rinds, huskies should not eat watermelon seeds. For one, seeds won’t offer your pooch nutritional value. Now, taking one or two seeds may not be much of a deal.
However, if your dog munches down a large chunk of watermelon with seeds, they may end up blocking its digestive tract. Husky puppies are more susceptible to intestinal blockage due to seeds.
You should examine your husky’s behavior in case of excessive seed intake and seek your vet’s help if necessary.
How Much Watermelon Can a Husky Eat?
A few small watermelon pieces are enough for your husky. Give your husky around 100 grams of the fruit now and then. Remember, treats should only occupy a tenth of your husky’s diet.
Additionally, several other fruits are superb for your husky, such as bananas and strawberries. Alternating the fruits, you offer your husky gives them a wide variety of nutrients and keeps things interesting.

How Do I Feed My Husky Watermelon?
There are several ways you can offer your husky watermelon. The most straightforward way to give watermelon to your husky is to cut it into small cubes while getting rid of the rinds and seeds.
You can also provide your dog with frozen watermelon chunks, as they are just as healthy as the unfrozen ones. Besides, frozen fruits can be an excellent way to ensure your dog stays highly hydrated while also cooling them off after a vigorous exercise session in sunny conditions.
Pureed watermelon can be an excellent way to treat your husky puppies to watermelons. This way, you won’t worry about your puppies gobbling the watermelons in chunks resulting in stomach issues.
You can serve watermelon to dogs in yogurt form. Unsweetened pureed watermelon yogurt is a superb cooling and hydrating treat that should be fine for most huskies except those that are lactose intolerant. Be sure to check that your preferred yogurt doesn’t contain artificial additives and xylitol. If your husky has issues with regular yogurt, consider dairy-free, plant-based alternatives.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Do Huskies Like Watermelon So Much?
Especially during summer, watermelons are some of the treats that your dogs will love the most. These fruits are some of the best when it comes to the amount of water within them. Eating watermelons help your dog quench their thirst and replenish lost fluids.
Moreover, watermelons contain a subtle sugary taste that some dogs love. A chemical called furaneol helps dogs to detect a sweet taste.
Can huskies Eat Watermelon Every Day?
Your dogs can eat watermelon every day as they are not toxic. However, ensure you do not overfeed them since excessive watermelon intake may result in stomach upset and related problems.
Final Thoughts
Why not try out watermelon treats with your husky next time you are training? These fruits contain nutrients, water, and fiber vital for digestion, absorption, and conducting a ton of body functions.