When and How to train and Shiba Inu

When and How to Train a Shiba Inu: Easy Training Guide

Do you need help training your Shiba Inu? Don't worry—you're not alone! Embark on this exciting journey, where each training session reveals your furry friend's true potential. Let's discover when and how to train a Shiba Inu.

Start training your Shiba Inu as soon as you bring them home. Consistently spend a few minutes daily teaching basic commands like sit and stay, then slowly introduce more advanced tricks as they learn for better results.

In this guide, you'll uncover simple yet powerful techniques that make training your Shiba Inu a joy for both of you. So grab those treats, prepare for tail wags, and let the fun begin!

When and How to Train a Shiba Inu

To train a Shiba Inu, start early and use positive methods. Begin when they're still puppies to teach good behavior and bond with your dog and family.

Start by teaching them to stay in a crate and take them outside regularly to go to the bathroom. 

Furthermore, when they exhibit good habits, give them food rewards and play with them to show you're happy.

Also, remember to often use specific words to address your Shiba, like their name or commands. 

However, if you're unsure what to do, asking a dog trainer for help is okay. 

Understanding the Shiba Inu

Understanding the characteristics of Japanese breeds like the Shiba Inu is crucial for potential owners. They are intelligent dogs, which makes them unique. 

The first step in caring for them is maintaining a positive attitude towards training and socialization. 

Secondly, seeking private lessons or joining obedience classes can play pivotal roles in shaping their behavior. 

Moreover, owners must have a watchful eye, especially in places like the living room, where accidents may happen. They must also watch for health issues like hip dysplasia and patellar luxation.

Additionally, it's essential to consider their interactions with other pets. Shiba Inus have a prey drive and may see small animals as targets for chase.

Introducing them to older dogs should be done cautiously and under supervision to ensure the safety of all animals involved.

Ultimately, the most important thing is to provide love, care, and guidance to your dog, ensuring they thrive in their new environment.

How to Train a Stubborn Shiba Inu?

Training a stubborn Shiba Inu needs patience and consistency. Start with short, regular playtime and reward good actions with treats and praise. Please don't be harsh or shout, as it might scare them. 

Give them lots of play and things to think about to keep them interested. Stick to a routine because they like things to stay the same, especially in a new home.

Additionally, they should gradually be introduced to their collar collection, associating it with positive experiences like treats and playtime. 

With kindness, rewards, and small games, even a stubborn Shiba Inu can learn to follow commands and act well. Building a strong bond by being friendly and reliable during training is essential.

Advanced Training Considerations for Shiba Inu

For advanced training for Shiba Inu, it's essential to remember a few key points. These clever and self-sufficient dogs need unique methods to keep learning and well-behaved.

  • Training Sessions
  • Building on Basics
  • Obedience Training
  • Mental Stimulation
  • Regular Schedule

Training Sessions

Training sessions are crucial for teaching a Shiba Inu good behavior and basic commands. 

These sessions help strengthen the bond between the dog and its owner. 

Additionally, crate training is helpful for obedience and preventing bad behavior. 

Positive reinforcement techniques, including treats and playtime, are vital for training. 

Consistency, patience, and mental stimulation are crucial for success, ensuring a well-behaved Shiba.

Building on Basics

Building on basics with a Shiba Inu involves progressing to more complex commands and behaviors. 

Consistent training sessions strengthen the dog's and its family's bond, reinforcing good behavior.

Shiba Inu owners actively foster positive associations with training through crate training and food rewards. 

Socializing in different environments, like the dog park, enhances Shiba's understanding.

Obedience Training

Obedience training entails instructing a dog to react to instructions and signals. 

Through obedience sessions, canines acquire skills like sitting, staying, responding to recall, and walking calmly on a leash.

Through obedience training, Shiba Inu owners can establish clear expectations and boundaries, strengthening the bond between the dog and its family members. 

Mental Stimulation

Mental stimulation involves activities that keep a dog's mind active and engaged. These activities are essential for a dog's overall well-being, preventing boredom and allowing them to use their instincts. 

Examples include interactive toys, puzzle games, scent work, obedience training, and learning new tricks.

Engaging in mentally stimulating activities helps prevent behavioral problems like excessive barking or chewing. Mental stimulation keeps intelligent and active dogs like the Shiba Inu happy and fulfilled.

Regular Schedule

Keep a steady routine for your Shiba Inu breed. Feed them, take them out for potty breaks, play with them, and train them at the exact time every day. 

This helps them feel safe and happy and teaches them what's expected.

How to Crate Train Shiba Inu

Here's a guide on how you can crate train your Shiba Inu:

  1. Start by making the crate a comfy and inviting space.
  2. Put some treats and toys inside to make it seem friendly.
  3. Let your Shiba Inu explore the crate independently, without pressure.
  4. During training, teach them basic commands like “sit” or “stay” near the crate so they get used to it.
  5. Ensure they have enough fun and playtime outside the crate to keep them happy.
  6. When they enter the crate alone, give them treats and praise to show it's a good place.
  7. Don't use scary methods or force them in.

With practice and kindness, your Shiba Inu will learn to like their crate and see it as a cozy, relaxing spot.

When and How Should You Discipline Your Shiba Inu During Training Sessions?

It is best to be gentle when disciplining your Shiba Inu and to show them the right way without being mean. Reward them with a treat when they do the right thing.

Moreover, they Keep doing this whenever they need to learn something new. These are essential training tips for creating a strong bond.

If you're teaching them where to go to the bathroom, it's a good idea to be consistent. Call them back when they wander off. If they make a mess, don't get mad. Just guide them back to the right spot without yelling or resorting to physical punishment for their bad behavior.

Additionally, the sit command is an essential part of their training. Patience and consistency are key when teaching it. It will help you build a strong bond with your furry friend.


Seeking Professional Guidance for Training Shiba Inu

Seeking professional guidance to train Shiba Inus can be helpful, especially for first-time dog owners. These trainers know a lot about dogs and can help with specific problems your dog might have. 

They're good at finding the correct training techniques and the right approach for Shibas and are known for being independent. These trainers can give valuable tips and show you how to communicate well with your dog using positive methods.

By getting help from a professional dog trainer, you'll understand your dog better and learn how to train them positively. They'll teach you how to deal with any challenges during training and support you along the way. With their help, you'll build a strong bond with your Shiba Inu and have a well-behaved and happy dog.

What Is the Best Age to Get a Shiba Inu Puppy?

When considering getting a Shiba Inu puppy, the best age is between 8 and 12 weeks. This age is perfect because they're young enough to learn quickly and start to understand basic routines, like going outside for the bathroom.

Starting puppy training sessions is essential for a new puppy. These sessions help puppies learn simple commands like sitting and coming when called. They also allow the puppy to get used to a regular schedule, making things easier for the puppy and the owner.

Shiba Inus are independent dogs, so using positive methods like treats and playtime during training is best. These methods keep them interested and willing to learn.

If you need professional help with what to do, feel free to ask for assistance from a trainer. They can give you tips and tricks to make training easy, including advice on the potty training process.

Spending time together, playing games, and making training fun helps you bond with your new puppy. It makes them more likely to listen to you and behave well.

To sum up, starting early with puppy training, maintaining a regular schedule, and making it fun are the best ways to teach your Shiba Inu puppy. With practice and patience, you'll have a great companion by your side.


Shiba Inu dogs can be challenging to train. They are known for being stubborn, giving even experienced trainers a run for their money. But with some patience and tasty treats, they might start listening (when they feel like it).

In dog training, mistakes happen. It's all part of the fun. Keep the tasty treats coming, and enjoy the ride.

Despite their stubbornness, Shiba Inu is super cute and can make great pals with the proper training.