Can German Shepherd Eat Rice

Can German Shepherds Eat Rice?

I’ve fed my German Shepherd with commercial foods for the last 1.5 years until last winter when my supplier took longer to deliver his food. I had no idea what to feed him since I had never been in that situation previously. Hunger pants were making him more aggressive. There was uncooked rice in my house, but can German Shepherds eat rice?

The uncertainty and fear of losing my only German shepherd dog led me to do extensive research.

Rice is among the human foods German shepherds eat. Though in moderation, German shepherds eat both brown and white rice. To be sure you’re serving the right amount of rice, serve 10% or less of his daily calorie intake. While brown rice is better than white rice, it’s best served in a lesser amount since it’s hard to digest.  

Benefits of Rice to German Shepherd Dogs

It’s Gluten-Free

Dogs that are allergic to gluten can be a pain to feed since gluten-free German Shepherd food is pricey.

Can German Shepherds Eat Rice?

Rice is by far cheaper.

Rich in Nutrients (Proteins, carbohydrates, and fiber)

A cup of rice contains approximately 5.03 grams of proteins, 3.12 grams of insoluble fiber, and 44.77 grams of carbohydrates. Proteins are a source of amino acids. German shepherd dogs need them for the healthy growth of muscles, hair, tendons, skins, ligaments, nails, and cartilage. 

Fiber aids in the production of healthy intestinal pH. Consequently, unwanted bacteria cannot grow in your German shepherd dog’s gut. 

Still, fiber is necessary for your GSD’s bowel regularity, which only happens through excess water absorption.  

Subsequently, your German shepherd produces a well-formed and firm stool.

Rice also contains energy that boosts your German shepherd dog’s stamina.  Since brown rice releases slow but sustainable energy, your dog stays full for long hours.

Is All Rice the Same?

White rice is easier to digest than brown rice because it has undergone processing, which removes the seed coat. That also means white rice lacks some vital nutrients that would be vital for your German shepherd dog.

A veterinarian staff at Animal Medical Center (New York City) called Dr. Carly Fox explains that there are vital nutrients in brown rice stored in the seed coat. For instance, brown rice has larger portions of fiber than white rice. Veterinaries also recommend it because of its antioxidant quality.

It’s this coat that makes brown rice harder to digest. Some dogs also don’t love the hard texture of brown rice; hence they may not eat it.

However, if your German shepherd has gastrointestinal problems, never give it brown rice. Give it white rice as it is easy to digest.

How Much Rice Can I Give My GSD

It depends on the current health condition of your German shepherd dog. A healthy German shepherd can feed on both white and brown rice. Of course, a combination of other foods to ensure he eats a balanced diet.

Can German Shepherds Eat Rice?

If your GSD is diabetic or has blood pressure, the amount of rice he feeds drastically reduces.

Unless otherwise, avoid white rice for such dogs. Here’s why. It contains higher portions of glycemic index, which causes blood sugar levels to shoot.

Alternatively, only add a small portion (teaspoon or tablespoon) of rice to his food. 

Healthy German Shepherd dogs don’t serve more than 10 percent of a day’s caloric intake. It’s worth noting also that brown rice should be served in smaller portions than white rice.  

Can GSD Eat Brown Rice For an Upset Stomach?

Brown rice is unsuitable for a German shepherd dog with an upset stomach. It’s difficult to digest. Hence, it should not be an option at such times.

White, well-cooked rice is the best alternative. Here’s why.

Most likely, he is having diarrhea (loose stool). White rice makes his stool firm, which is why it’s a better option.

If, however, he’s having constipation problems, fiber would be necessary. Therefore, feed him brown rice in moderate quantities.

Is Fried Rice Ideal For My German Shepherd Dog?

Frying rice makes it inadequately cooked. Hence, it may cause health complications to your dog. Boil or steam your German shepherd’s rice without adding any spices.

Alternatively, fry boiled pumpkin (or any other veggies) and minced pork. Without adding any butter or spices, add the boiled rice to the mixture. To make the meal even more delicious, consider adding a scrambled egg.  

Should I Feed My German Shepherd Rice Every Day?

For a diabetic German shepherd dog, no! For a healthy GSD, yes! Don’t forget; it must be in small portions. Plus, serve it with other foods to keep him healthy.  

That means his diet should contain essential vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, and fiber.

If you notice that his weight is going up, stop giving him rice every day.

When Is It Appropriate To Feed Your German Shepherd Rice?

Rice is particularly essential when your German Shepherd has a stomach upset. Even so, it must be white rice, not a brown one.

For better results and to haste the recovery process, mix it with chicken. Talking to your vet about it would also be necessary.

Is Uncooked Rice Good For Your German Shepherd?

No one can be too foolish to give their buddy uncooked rice, but we can all make the mistake of poorly storing uncooked rice. When your dog eats uncooked rice, the next thing you need to do is to call your vet without wasting a minute.

Can German Shepherds Eat Rice?

Let’s explain

Uncooked rice, when taken in large amounts, can cause liver problems in some German shepherd dogs. If, however, he takes uncooked rice in small portions, there may be nothing much to worry about. But you need to give him plenty of water.

Here’s why.

A small amount of uncooked rice causes constipation or diarrhea. If he has diarrhea, he is obviously losing large amounts of water. Hence, he needs more water. However, if he has constipation issues, he will have trouble passing stool. To stop that, give him water.

Diarrhea is better because it means your dog can successfully pass the uncooked rice via his digestive system.

After taking a lot of water, his tummy starts to clean up and heal. You can tell he is healing if you notice rice balls in his poop.

Frequently Asked Questions

What foods are bad for German shepherds?

German shepherds can eat most of the human foods, with the exception of a few. For example, onions, alcohol, garlic, chocolate, wild mushrooms, avocados, walnuts, grapes, and macadamia nuts.

Also, avoid giving your GSD raw potatoes, green tomatoes, yeast dough, hops, and moldy food.

What human food can German shepherds eat?

Certain human foods with no additives could have health benefits for your German shepherd. Such includes cooked eggs (with no additives) and lean meat (beef, chicken, pork). Air-popped popcorns, cooked liver (in moderation), and squash also have health benefits for your GSD.

Summing It Up: Can German Shepherds Eat Rice?

Boiled rice, with no spices, is the best for your German shepherd dog. Serving in moderation is key!

Ensure it’s well cooked before giving it to him. If it’s the first time you’re feeding him with rice, whether white or brown, first contact your vet.

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